Anjalia Studios

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

-Elenor Roosevelt

Anjalia Studios was founded in Atlanta, GA by Anisa during creative meditation. The name originated as a blend of her name alongside her daughters Jayla and Malia’s name. Anjalia Studios believes in the impossible. “Only those who can see the invisible, can do the impossible.” -unknown. Anjalia Studios represents a place where you can create and recreate. A safe place to be yourself, express yourself, and most of all, enjoy yourself.

Continue dreaming, dreamer…but make sure you bring it to LIFE!

The CEO of Anjalia Studios, Anisa, has always had a knack for artistic impressions. She has always thoroughly enjoyed the arts of drawing, painting, creating fictional stories, dancing, cooking and music production. In 2020, she decided to start sharing some of her talent with the world. Anisa was born in Georgia ,but raised in Ohio and now has returned back to Georgia. She has two daughters, Jayla, 12 and Malia, 5 (as of June 2020). Anisa takes pride in starring her children in her films. Be sure to keep a look out for more films from this family!